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A different kind of travel Blog: Humor, Culture and Stories about Italy, Europe, California and around the World.
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4 min read
Californian Surfing vs. Italian Surfing
You may be surprised to learn that Italian Surfing is not a dish. No doubt that it could be an excellent name for pasta. But surfing is...

5 min read
“Meow, Meow” Around the World
We love them. They love us. We’ve encountered them in Bora Bora, Antigua, France, Italy, Slovakia, Greece, and many other countries...

4 min read
Big, Fun, Tuscan Wedding
When is the perfect time to get married? First, you need to find someone that wants to spend the rest of her of his life with you. But...

4 min read
The Story of Two Italian Penguins in Love for Over 60 Years
Most species of penguins are monogamous. They will mate with the same penguin, season after season. It is a beautiful, loving...

3 min read
The Craziest Easter Celebration in Europe
Every time I mention our Slovakian Easter tradition to Americans, they look at me with horror in their eyes and their mouth wide open....

3 min read
Leonardo da Vinci Cracks a Joke
In 2019, we celebrate Leonardo da Vinci’s 500-year anniversary (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519), who is one of the foremost exponents of the...

2 min read
Top Models’ Infatuation
In Poor Richard's Almanack, Benjamin Franklin wrote: “Beauty, like supreme dominion, is but supported by opinion.” The perception of...

2 min read
Love, Sex & the Etruscans in Volterra, Tuscany
There are many enigmatic civilizations that historians continue to speculate about. One is the wealthy and powerful Etruscan...

3 min read
Allure and Mystery of Villa Il Cerretino, Tuscany
When we visited Florence a few years back, we stayed one night at Villa Il Cerretino in Prato, Tuscany. What an intriguing experience!...
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